We provide a lot of services as Our Name Implies. At WECDIT International, We have more competent and Experience expertise who will handle your work and deliver the best. Listed Below Are Some Of What We Do: 1. Website Design 2. Computer Engineering and Maintenance 3. Graphics Designing 4. Media Development 5. Whiteboard Video Creation 6. Website Maintenance 7. Branding 8. ICT Consultancy 9. ICT Training 10. Resume Creation (PROFESSIONALLY) 11. and Lots More... Try Us Today And You We Bless God Doing Business With Us. Our Service is EFFICIENT because of the Availability of updated TOOLs
Category: Computers and ICT → Business Centres and CyberCafes, Computer Engineering, Desktop, Laptop and Accessories, Digital Map and Mapping, Graphic Design, ICT Consultancy, ICT Training, Internet Service Providers, IT Solution, Softwares and Accessories, Mobile Applications Development, Multimedia Design, Online Marketing and E-Marketing, Portal Management, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engines, Directories and Guides, Web Hosting and Domain Name Registration, Website Design