Sale of computer hardware, laptops, Desktops system, peripherals, support systems, printers, scanners, UPS, hard drives, Pen drives, Modems, I/O Cards, Mother boards, Mouse, keyboards, Monitors and many more, We design tailored software’s to suit all your organization requirements and need, what are your software solutions? Talk to us, we also sell off-shelves standard packages such as operating systems as windows, oracle, novell, MAC etc, account packages, human resources record system, medical billing systems, payroll systems, Inventory, Invoicing and billing system, etc.
Category: Computers and ICT → Computer Engineering, ICT Training, Internet Service Providers, Internet/Cyber Cafes, IT Sales, IT Solution, Softwares and Accessories, Mobile Applications Development, Programming, Software Development, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Web Application Development, Web Development, Web Hosting and Domain Name Registration, Website Design